The Biggest Lesson I’ve Learned
When I was a child, I frequently got in trouble with the words that flew out of my mouth. I certainly spoke my truth, but unbeknownst to me, I had an overactive throat chakra, which is the energetic center located in and around the throat.
There is something to be said about fearlessly speaking your truth and freely expressing your authentic self as an open throat chakra allows, but we rarely see this in a balanced, healed manner. In my case, my thoughts flew out my mouth without a filter. Underneath it all, a step was missing in this automatic process. My heart chakra was not well connected to my throat chakra along with other blocks, wounds, and perceptions throughout my being that I had yet to address.
After witnessing the aftermath of my throat chakra fire hose, eventually, I made the decision to shut the hell up! I recall thinking to myself, “as long as it doesn’t leave my mouth, no one gets hurt.”
I couldn’t have been more wrong!
I proceeded to give my thoughts a free pass and shut down a good portion of my external dialogue. I truly believed that my thoughts carried no weight at all.
Time passed, and I started to learn more about quantum physics, epigenetics, and the mystical side of life. I sought to understand the energies I perceived with increased intensity. Early on in my research, I became aware of a fact that ultimately became the biggest lesson I’ve learned to date:
Thoughts are Energy!
Every thought we create is in itself an energetic form that emits through the quantum field. Your own thoughts not only radiate out from your energy and affect other people, places, and things, but your thoughts directly impact and influence your energy, DNA, and immune system.
Bruce Lipton,, Ph.D., wrote about this phenomenon in his book, “Biology of Belief.” He wrote about his studies and that one’s environment, thoughts, and beliefs dictate how our DNA expresses itself, which is the basis of epigenetics. Ironically, this is not a new concept. Ancient traditions understood the metaphysical aspect of our being and reality.
In the bible, several verses address this topic including Proverbs 4:23, which states, “Be careful what you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.”
The ancient wisdom written in these texts speaks to the power our thoughts and beliefs have on our physical experience.
Everything is energy as Einstein proclaimed. To manifest health, love, and abundance, we must become the magnet for said experience. Again, most of us ignore the impact our thoughts have on our energetic field, which impacts our magnetism.
Fully accepting this one fact changed my trajectory completely. I suddenly realized that I had been emitting negative vibrations willy-nilly with unchecked thoughts. Not to mention that I went from an overactive throat chakra to an underactive, blocked throat chakra.
I wasn’t emotionally healing from my past. I simply bottled it up and sent my angry, resentful, spiteful thoughts out into the field.
All this strategy did was allow my energy to vibrate low and imbalanced. I also attracted that same vibration back into my life. I telepathically sent the negative energy out to those I judged or to whom I withheld forgiveness including myself.
When the light bulb went off, I flashed back to my younger self that chose to shut up to avoid the inevitable misunderstanding and pain that resulted from my words, professionally and personally. Instead, I used my thoughts to perpetuate my feelings of anger and self-proclaimed righteousness. I suddenly realized that I didn’t actually help anyone including myself. I just changed the vehicle I used to express my negative emotions, but I still used a fire hose...
Armed with this new information, I got curious about my thoughts. I set out to discover what my thoughts were telling me. In other words, I wanted to understand the thought - not judge it.
For example, I might think “I don’t want to go to work today.”
Why? “Because, I want to relax at home.”
Why? “Because, work is stressful right now. I just want to relax.”
Why? “Because, I am working on a project that’s stressful.”
Why is the project stressful? “Because, I have deadlines, people breathing down my neck, and too many distractions. I don’t have enough time in the day.”
I would continue to ask myself why until I got to the root, which may be a lack of confidence in myself, fear of failure, fear of judgement, fear of not being good enough. Where would that fear or lack of confidence come from? What wounds, past experiences, or perceptions need healed in order to generate new thoughts that aligned with a future I wanted to experience? I may simply need to acknowledge my need to fill my own cup, recharge my energy, and calm my nervous system in order to handle the current demands of my time and energy.
This practice continued to build upon itself over the years, and I witnessed my reality and health change when my thoughts and embodied thoughts altered. Left unchecked, these thoughts picked at old wounds or thickened scars and were silently creating a reality that didn’t come anywhere close to my potential or what I wanted to experience!
In Anita Moorjani’s book, Dying to be Me, she describes her near death experience. Preceding the NDE, Anita lived as an outcast in a strictly religious home, felt shame from walking away from an arranged marriage, and feared cancer, death, and not being good enough. She battled cancer for 4 years before she crossed over while in a coma. On the other side, she learned that her life-long fears stifled her authentic self expression and impacted her energy to the point of creating cancer. In addition, she learned that love, including above all, love for herself was of utmost important.
Do your thoughts about yourself reflect unconditional love for yourself? Would you talk to others the way you talk to yourself? Is what you think about yourself what you want to be true?
As a healer, I hold space for my clients and listen to their health history and current ailments. I often hear statements such as, “I am a mess,” “I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” “I can’t do xyz,” or “I am really bad at ….”
Consider the energy and belief of oneself held within each statement. These spoken words sum up thousands of statements repeated in one’s mind day in and day out.
The placebo effect, discovered in 1799 by Dr. John Haygarth, became an aspect to consider when performing clinical drug trials given the frequency of the phenomenon. The placebo effect demonstrates that belief alone can create positive health responses that mimic a drug’s intended purpose.
I often notice people stuck in a loop of challenging experiences and seem to plateau when it comes to their healing process. Meanwhile, their logical brain and underlying beliefs, embodied thoughts do not match. Several of these clients proclaimed themselves as “highly sensitive,” “an unusual case,” “a tough case,” and unable to live like a normal person.
Understandably, they often continue to operate in the same thought patterns as their outer reality reflects a very sick and sometimes life threatening situation. Anything less was a lie, right?
Chicken or the egg? Which came first - the cellular dysfunction or the weakened immune system as a result of one’s thoughts? Either way, according to scientists such as Einstein and those studying the emerging area of epigenetics, our beliefs, thoughts, and perceptions effect our DNA, weaken our immune system, change our biochemistry, and create a vibration that may very well keep us sick.
I love giving the example once shown to me by way of a muscle test. In this case, a willing person holds their arm out straight while I try to press it down. The person is to resist the pressure and keep their arm straight out in front of them. I ask them say “I am going to have a good day today.” With that statement, their arm holds strong and does not succumb to the downward pressure in which I apply. Next, I ask them to say, “I am going to have a bad day today.” As with every time I use this example, the participant cannot hold their arm up when I apply pressure!
The same results happen when these statements are thought versus spoken, and the same results occur when people in the room think or speak these words in the same room as the participant! This example shows the immediate impact our words have on the strength of our physical body.
In what ways do your thoughts impact your work, marriage, parenthood, and health?
What do your kids think about themselves? Do you catch them saying statements about themselves such as “I am bad at math?” If so, what do you think goes on inside their mind that they don’t say out loud?
Again, thoughts are energy, and that energy can strengthen or weaken your physical body, environment, and others! So, I advise you to run your thoughts through a filter and get curious, not fearful. I furthermore encourage you to actively start to dive into the root of the thought, heal the root, and actively generate thoughts that align with your greatest experience and potential.