Meet Mandy
The Mother behind Working Thru Motherhood
Welcome to Working Thru Motherhood! I am Mandy, the mom who birthed this site and its content! At times, it’s just as messy and painful as birthing my three little guys you see in the picture, but what the hell, right?!? Do it anyway!
A few fun facts about me - I love to laugh. Laughing is my favorite. I’ve loved to cook and bake since I was an itsy bitsy child. Now, as an itsy bitsy adult (I topped out at 5’2”), I love golfing, exercising, loving on animals, writing, and reading. Oh, and laughing - that deserves to be said multiple times. I live by the motto that I just made up: If you can’t laugh at yourself and all you experience, you’re missing out on the second biggest gift bestowed upon humans with the ability to give and receive love, of course, as number one.
I spent over 18 years in banking and finance. Within those years, I got married, had three beautiful boys, started a coffee shop, and incorporated two big moves for my husband’s career.
My husband was diagnosed with cancer within the first month of our marriage. Although we barely treaded water amidst all the medical bills, we got pregnant with our first child. After that, we built successful careers with which we were less than fulfilled, struggled with infertility and endometriosis, and tried like hell to raise well-loved, balanced children.
Throughout the mostly self-induced chaos, I started learning more and more about nutrition, movement, meditation, and mindset. My health made rapid improvements using functional nutrition methodology. However, when stress gave way to anxiety, I went back to the drawing board. I tapped into my intuition to help my situation, and the most amazing experiences unfolded. For all challenges, I found solutions and became eager to help others.
After too many magical metaphysical moments to deny, I also began developing my intuition. I am deeply empathic and intuitive, and once I acknowledged this, I started to understand myself and the world around me in profound ways that greatly changed my perspective, trajectory, and experience.
The wayward road finally split off from the corporate path as my heart led me towards a healer and creative role that allowed me to put my motherhood hat on as much as I needed. I started a quantum biofeedback, energy healing, and functional nutrition business, In Fine Feather, LLC. I also started fostering other passions such as writing.
I’ve had bumps, bruises, and triumphs along the way. I want nothing more than to share my knowledge and experience, help other women whose hearts led them to this site and to In Fine Feather, and virtually laugh and cry (cry laughing - that is an inherited trait I have on steroids, cringe) together.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading about me! I hope I help, entertain, and/or support you in some way by putting creative energy and authenticity into this fun little site!
With love and light,
Mandy McGreer
Working Thru Motherhood & In Fine Feather, LLC